Software Platform for pollution risk assesment in the case of soil
and groundwater based on GIS technology and in-situ electrokinetic
bioremediation technologies – BIOREGIS

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Stage I will be finalized in 3 months, with funds of 48 per x month following as: to create the organizational bases of the managerial project aspects (act I. 5), to find out the own existing data (textual/spatial historical data) to ITC, PSV, CNGCFT, ECOIND, ICPA (act I. 1), to analyze comparative for different technologies compatibilities in accelerated remediation of the soils (PSV), to finalize protocol methodologies of chemical analyses for contaminant (ECOIND, ICPA) in the sight of the settlement of primary structure of the BIOREGIS database (act I. 2), to implement the database structure (act I. 3) and to create web-site of a project (act.I.4).

Stage II will be finalized in 6 months, with funds of 69 per x month following as: to define the primary database structure of the application and to analyze comparative for different technologies compatibilities for the soil remediation (soils contaminated with petroleum products) explained in the literature and in the partners standing experimental site (act II. 1) (ITC, CNGCFT); PSV shall be defined areas boundaries, and monitoring the execution drillings; also he shall be created the module of data acquisition and shall be given to the ITC the data to develop the database structure, in accordance with material scientific of international reference (act II. 2), PSV shall be taken compliant proofs of the scheme of monitoring, ECOIND shall be accomplish chemical analyses, ICPA shall be estimate the chemical parameters the biologic. Another part, created in this stage, shall be the generic GIS module (act II. 3) (this is a module of representation maps); also will be developed the mathematical fashions for the modules algorithms (act II. 5) (ITC, CNGCFT). The web site will be developed and updated (act. II. 6) with information about the results obtained (ITC).

Stage III will be finalized in 9 months, with funds of 72 per x months following as: to create the application modules (act III. 1) (ITC, CNGCFT, ECOIND, ICPA) comprising the improvements identified in the report investigatory previous, PSV, ECOIND, ICPA in analyze for the pollution risk, to accomplish the assemblage of the software platform modules (act III. 2), to test this functionality through parametric simulations (act III. 3) (ITC, CNGCFT, ECOIND). Web-site will be developed and updated (act. III. 4) with new information about the results obtained.

Stage IV will be finalized in 8 months, with funds of 43 per x month following as: to populate the databases for pilot selected zone (act IV. 1) (ITC, CNGCFT), PSV to accomplish the laboratory experiments and to check the project status with the new acquired data, to parameter the remediation workflows (concentration of "inocul bacterian", nutrient, electric fields, electrodes location), scroll the grounds and ITC to accomplish the databases for zone pilot; ECOIND, ICPA to estimate the chemical parameters of the soil/underground impure water with petroleum products through analytic methods (IV. 2), PSV to apply bioremediation treatments accelerated, ICPA to estimate the chemical and biologic parameters; on the strength of the conclusions and the cumulated information in this stage to accomplish the activities of experimentation on situ pilot. Is shall accomplished a dissemination of partial a results (act. IV. 4) (ITC, PSV, CNGCFT, ECOIND, ICPA).

Stage V will be finalized in 10 months, with funds of 45 per x month followings as: to accomplish the platform software modules, to apply the technologies evaluation (of the bioremediation accelerated in area) with the elaboration of the methodology and report the dissemination (development experimental), to update the databases (act V. 1) (ITC, CNGCFT), to continue the monitoring the technologies of remediation accelerated for update data (act V. 2) (PSV, ECOIND, ICPA), the creation and the optimization of the methodology of management integrated of the soil and the underground water on the strength of risked through the analyses of the stage and the update of the platform software (act. V. 3) (ITC, PSV, CNGCFT, ECOIND, ICPA), to create the user guide of the platform (act V. 4), also the dissemination results activities (DVD and other presentation) (act V. 5) (ITC, PSV, CNGCFT, ECOIND, ICPA), to connect at the international networks of management integrated of the soil and the underground water and to prepare the prepare the common projects inclusive FP7 projects) (act. V. 6) (ITC, PSV, CNGCFT, ECOIND, ICPA).