The project intends to develop an ensemble of software modules,
integrated in a single platform, suitable for oil products based
pollution risk management through processes of identification, analysis,
monitoring/systematic reporting of soil and groundwater pollution
risk factors, through execution of plans to reduce pollution by
means of involvement of some innovative in-situ technologies
based on electrokinetic bioremediation associated
with their efficiency evaluation during the entire life cycle of
the project.
Software implementation will use modalities that are similar to
those met in the specific reference European methodology, integrating
the application of geographical information systems (GIS) through
specialized modules and the involvement of imagistic controlling
that will provide significant information on the health state of
a specific area towards an interested authority and will contribute
to take strategical and tactical decisions in order to prevent and
to act by means of planning, budgeting and monitoring of the economical/social
performance. The obtained values of the indicators of soil and groundwater
oil pollution will be represented at territorial scale, so that
digital maps will be obtained; on their basis critical areas will
be evidenced in the case of pollution and the information maintenance/updating
will be kept in a spatial database, a history of these interest
values being able to be built.
Innovative accelerated in-situ remediation technologies will be
provided to decontaminate (based on bacterial innoculus
and electrokinetic dispersion) soil and groundwater.
Through integration of the information provided by software tools
and remediation technologies, elaboration of an assesment methodology
of cost-profit ratio and risk are in view, that are significant
for interested stakeholders (scientific, industrial, public/administrative
ones) to build a definition framework for a best practice in the
The present project thus deals with the following general objectives:
• building the structure of relational,
standardized databases, in order to store information characteristic
to soil pollution
risk analysis and its
• improvement of the risk pollution
assessment methodology for Romania and its informatical implementation;
• development of software platform
for evaluation and pollution risk management, based on GIS technologies,
that leads to the achievement
of the following measurable objectives correlated with the project
Work Plan:
relational, standardized, databases structures compatible with GIS
research reports regarding the improvements added to pollution risk
assessment methodology;
hazard-vulnerability-risk software modules based on the improved
pollution risk assessment methodology;
a functional pollution risk assessment software platform.
Due to the complexity of the analysis, the deep approach of each
distinct component is necessary, so that it is to be able to optimally
contribute within the entire ensemble towards application of a hazard-vulnerability-risk
assessment methodology at the impact level of soil and groundwater
pollution for the specific pilot area selected for the analysis.