Software Platform for pollution risk assesment in the case of soil
and groundwater based on GIS technology and in-situ electrokinetic
bioremediation technologies – BIOREGIS

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project coordinator
ITC - Institute for Computers
Experience of the coordinator in informatics system area and in management of national / international projects : projects CEEX (ex. 2005: INFOSOC Program: TRAFICSIM, TRANSASIST, SILVDEC, MENER; TERRARISC; in 2006: INFOSOC Program: CITYPROTECT, IMAGMED, MONITRAF, SMARTBUS) also such as partnerships in the development of others projects CEEX (ex. SINTESERV, ROSERIS, etc); ITC covers through development of applications areas as GIS, Multimedia, ERP, Web design, etc).
Director project experience in GIS area had been increased by the participation in period 2002-2006 as Consultant GIS in IBM team for World Bank project: “Cadastre and Land Registration project for ROMANIA”.

partner P1
PSV Company, a company specialized in the execution of a complex projects for the extractive petroleum industry; PSV is involved in projects such as PHARE, SAPARD, SAMTID, programs. The PSV specialists were involved in a series of experimental activities performed in real conditions in situ of accelerated remediation through the “inocul bacterian” applied. PSV executes complex projects to international level, in Kazahstan, Siria, Egipt, what confers a valuable experience in the realization specific present activities of the project. In R&D area PSV is involved in coordination (or partnerships) projects activities MATNANTECH, CERES, RELANSIN, CEEX 2005, 2006 (of ex. MATSOL); in international consortium PSV had been submitted a project proposal in FP7 program, respectively the project FP7 2007-2-2-3 2007-2-2-3 NANOARCH.

partner P2
CNGCFT - National Centre of Geodesy, Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a public institution in the structure of Ministerului Administratiei and Internelor and is subordinated to ANCPI agency.
Centre National executes projects in the area geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry and GIS.
CNGCFT will acquire spatial data and update the spatial database with geospatial data.

partner P3
ECOIND - The National Research & Development Institute for Industrial Ecology provides R&D activities in the protection environment area: pollution (water, air, soil, residues), evaluation pollution (risk ecologic). The ECOIND specialists coordinate/participate in many projects for R&D internal programs (MENER, RELANSIN, AMTRANS, BIOTECH, CALIST, INFRAS, CERES, MATNANTECH, CEEX, Program Nucleu, Program Sectorial of MEC) also in international programs (PHARE, COSTS, ISPA, UNIDO, LEONARDO GIVE THE SCREWJACKS, EUREKA). They have been participated in appeal FP7 ENV( GEOCONT: FP7, VOCHAR: FP7, ATRON: FP7) and a project FP7 FLATLY( NANOENV: 06-1000031-10055).

partner P4
ICPA - Research Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry
ICPA is involved in the pedology/agricultural chemistry area, monitoring long-term forecast for the soils and the agricultural grounds of Romania. ICPA executes the investigatory/consultancy activities in the pedology and agricultural chemistry area for the public sector (ministries, agents and counties direction, universities, ONG) also for the private sector (SME, farms, industrial units).